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Branchinella thailandensis: Thai Fairy Shrimp

Updated: Apr 23

Branchinella thailandensis, commonly known as the Thai fairy shrimp, belongs to the family Thamnocephidae. This species can be found in a diverse range of habitats, including ephemeral pools, predominantly during the warmer seasons of the year. Although often associated with inland saline pools, Branchinella thailandensis is not limited solely to these environments. It can be frequently observed in Southeast Asia, such as Thailand.

Anatomy: The characteristics outlined below may exhibit variations influenced by environmental conditions, population dynamics, and the organism's age.


Second Antenna:

  • Male: The second antennae are modified to act as claspers and have a middle appendage. The far segment of the antenna is sickle-shaped with a rounded triangular tip, and the middle appendage has 9-11 long fleshy bumps. The head has a front appendage with two branches at the far end.

  • Female: The second antennae is reduced.


Dorsolateral Process:

  • Male: Absent.

  • Female: Absent.


  • This structure is similar between sexes with fine setae on the edges of the limb.

Reproductive Segments:

  • Male: Pair of penes.

  • Female: The main parts of the female shrimp’s reproductive system include a pair of ovaries and a single pouch for carrying eggs (brood pouch). The ovaries are ribbon-like organs with two branches (biramous) and are located along the thoracic, genital, and abdominal parts of the body on both sides of the digestive tract. The front ends (thoracic branches) of the ovaries reach the first segment of the thorax. The back ends (abdominal branches) of the ovaries reach the seventh segment of the abdomen.


  • This cyst has many-sided (polygonal) areas that are separated by raised lines (ridges).


  • No unique features, same between sexes, may exhibit orange pigmentation.



  • The tail appendages (cercopods) are bristly along the inner and side borders with red to orange pigmentation.


  • Size: 2.0cm to 2.5cm in length, contingent on prevailing environmental conditions.

  • Coloration: Body is transparent but may have hues of blue, pink, green.

Captivity and Growth:

Growth is influenced by multiple factors such as temperature, salinity, and care. These temperature ranges are based on our experience but do not represent the maximum or minimum.

  • Hatching Temperature Range: 68 to 78°F.

  • Temperature Range for Adults: 68 to 78°F.

Hatching: At temperatures of 72 to 78 Fahrenheit, nauplii appear after 24 to 48 hours.

Growth Rate: This species has a moderate growth rate, reaching sexual maturity at around 10 to 14 days, with an average life span of 8 to 10 weeks.

Behavior: This species prefers to swim in open water, feeding on microorganisms in the water column, and is constantly swimming more or less in a stationary manner.

Reproduction: Males use their second antenna and cephalic appendages to latch onto the females, taking only a few seconds to mate.


  1. Plodsomboon, Sutthana, et al. "Reproductive Cycle and Genitalia of the Fairy Shrimp Branchinella thailandensis (Branchiopoda: Anostraca)." Journal of Crustacean Biology, vol. 32, no. 5, 2012, pp. 711-726.

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